Essay, Research Paper: Animal Farm

Literature: George Orwell

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As I read the book "Animal Farm", I have came to see that the story
"Animal Farm" is a metaphor for the life in the USSR. We see how
" Animal Farm " takes on personalities of social and political figures
from the USSR. They relate to the social and political life of The USSR in how
they act and live. All the animals have a personality that emulates personality
from the Russian Revolution. They plan to take over and make all things equal,
by this they hope to give the power to the animals that represent the people of
The USSR. "Animal Farm" has many of its characters take on the
characteristics of The Russian Revolution. In so Mr. Jones is compared to Czar
Nicholas II . Mr. Jones is the farmer in animal farm who is irresponsible in the
treating of the animals, in a way that he will let them starve and leave them in
neglect. Sometimes Mr. Jones cruel acts are so terrible that it is cruel to
imply them. He has stooped to the point where he would whip the animals for no
reason. Although he is so irresponsible and cruel he actually tries to make up
for it by mixing milk with the animals food. In so we compare Mr. Jones to Czar
Nicholas II. Just as Mr. Jones Czar Nicholas II is a poor leader overhis land
and people as Mr. Jones is to his farm and animals. Sometimes Czar Nicholas II
is compared to Western Kings in his acts. The both of them Czar Nicholas II and
Mr. Jones are brutal with their opponents and punished unjustly. As a cheep act
of kindness Czar Nicholas II would hire students as spies to make money. In so
he would use the information he learned to ponishe and eliminated his threats
and oppositions. In the Russian revolution Karl Marx had invented communist ways
and its party. His plan was to have all the "workers of the world
unite." His plan for the workers was to have them take over the government.
To the misfortune of his death he had not seen his dream come true. He had died
before the Russian Revolution had taken place. Although he didn't live to see
the end of it he did instill important foundation for which to build on. Like
Karl Marx Old Major was a leader. He had been teaching the animals of the farm
animalism (in comparison to communism). His main words were to " workers do
the work, rich keep the money, and the animals revolt. This was the same thought
that Karl Marx had but in regards it the animals and not the USSR. Also Like
Karl Marx he dies before the revolution happens. There were successors of those
that came before, Leon Trotsky was one of those people that was great and had
lead the "October revolution" that was a great step for the Russian
Revolution. Leon Trotsky was one of the followers of the idea who had followed
Marx. His ideas of communism were to improve live for all of Russia. The way it
was intendment. Unfortunately he had been chased away by Lenin's KGB (secret
police). Snowball is just like Leon Trotsky in the fact that he too was chased
away. Snowball was young, smart, a good speaker, and an idealistic. His main
goal is to make life better for all. He was also one of the leaders in the
revolution like Leon. As I have explained as well as compared and contrasted the
paragraphs, all the characters have an emulation of another character in the
Russian Revolution or in the Farm from Animal Farm. Also from this we can see
how communism and characters are created.
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